My path to learning web development

Learned bad HTML and CSS in 2006 thanks to Myspace

Learned better HTML and CSS in 2007 thanks to CSS Mastery and a html book that explained using tables is bad.

Was introduced to Javascript in 2008 and got overwhelmed.

Learned the 320+ boilerplate and custom responsive designing as well as other CSS3 and HTML5 in 2009 or 2010(can’t remember).

Studied jQuery with sitepoint’s “jQuery Novice to Ninja” in early 2010.

Got a couple Ruby and Ruby on Rails book in 2011 and got introduced to both ruby and the rails framework. Why’s poignant guide to Ruby was a excellent/silly introduction to the language.

Went back to jQuery and css3 and built a very small css3 nav and jquery slider mid 2012.

The Pragmatic Programmers “Learn to Program” by Chris Pine and “Agile Web Development with Rails” by Sam Ruby, Dave Thomas, and David Heinemeier have been my current reads as of early 2013. I’ve worked through approximately the first 250 pages of Agile web dev with rails and I’m going to read Learn to Program to brush up further on the ruby side of it. I’ll then finish Agile web dev with rails to get a full understanding of the rails framework and continue on to attempt to read all of “The Pickaxe”(prob version 3)

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